Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I really hoped that my first topic discussion would be on A CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN...but to no avail a reoccurring issue has just persistently nagged at me like that pesky net at a cookout. OK so I had dinner the other night with one of my favorite Diva's. My girl needed me...so Bellini's here we come. She started the conversation off with I need your advice. Naturally I thought what did this bamma do? I hope we ain't got to act a fool tonight...I like him too much for that! But just then she said the oh so familiar phrase..."guess what this chick did"! Now Diva's you and I both know from elementary to college we had beef. Sometimes over a pair of shoes, a man, and the most infamous he say she say. But we assume as adults this phase will be over...right. WRONG. It appears the older we get the more optimistic of each other we become. We want to believe the best in people. WRONG again. This particular beef began with an invitation. Nothing more nothing less. But this leads me to ask agonizing questions. Why as women do we think that if someone invites us to share in a moment that we are committed to being in control of that moment? Why not just accept the invitation and move around? Why do we accept invitations with expectations, i.e. a baby shower "I hope they have good gifts for the games"...this the best one "I would like you to come to my shower but can you bring?" WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT. The definition of "invitation" is to request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something. Now back to the beef...from the beginning this female wanted more from the invite. She wanted to change the plan to be on accord with her needs. OK no problem. That wasn't enough. On and On and On she continued to persuade her friend in to doing things her way. Wait wait..wasn't it I that invited you? But the moment she was called on her lack of compassion for the needs of everyone involved it became what she was and what the others aren't. We must stop as women tearing each other down with words. The smallest and most powerful muscle on your body is your tongue. If you don't agree with what someone says to you then its called an indifference. It is not an opening for a trial. It is not healthy to tear someone else down with your words. Arguments will occur, that I am not denying. But to characterize someone based upon them telling you how you offended them is doing nothing but creating HATE. This is what racism is. For the life of me I can not understand how and why we feel it necessary to hate. Katt Williams gives an awesome lesson in his stand up act about haters. I understand its their job. But must we continue on hating on the people who will wake up in the middle of the night to talk. Who will shout and scream at your accomplishments. Who will spend five hours in the mall with you looking for a pair of shoes. Why Diva's why!! Well low and behold this chick spent an entire day trying to tear a Diva down for her considering everyone's needs before her own. I congratulate you my Diva for taking a stand. And too all those who just cussed out your girl. Think about if for a second. Consider a life without no cool chicks on your side.
Be Blessed!


melfel said...

I agree!! Very well stated...let's value our friends and build each other up, not tear each other down.

Great debut - keep up the good work, Diva!!

PresPi said...

I am sorry Nat, but I have a lot to say about this. We need to understand the role a person plays in ones life. We as people have expectations of others, and we expect them to live up to these expectations. However, people have expectations for themselves, and are not focusing on living up to the ones others have placed on them. Here is the thing. You ever heard the comment, "some people are in your life for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime"? This holds so very true. A dear friend asked me just yesterday how I manage to "get along" with so many people that others find so very aggrivating. It is because Iknow the role that those people play in my life. Everyone has a role. It may be a co-worker, or just an associate. It could be a romantic relationship, a spouse or just an affair of the heart. Everyone has a purpose in our lives. It is up to us to decipher what role that is, and accept the individual in that role. Frienships would be stronger. Marriages would last longer, and a lot of time would be saved if we would take the time to identify each person in our life for what they really are. What role do you play?